Escort Directory

i am looking for a escort directory …………

Manage, create, delete & edit text and images on all pages in a word like text editor.
Create your own main categories and subcategories so you can have, Male, Female or transgender, with subcategories like, mature, under £100, blonde, black, Asian etc….

Great banner manager built in so you can add paid for banner campaigns from Independents, Escort Agencies or other advertising from adult related businesses ie: photographers, drivers, web developers etc.. to any area of the website you like.
Escort Agencies & Independent Escorts have their own admin area to control their own ladies at their own leisure.
Reviews are managed in the admin area for you to approve, edit or remove reviews.
Traffic reports are displayed for every listing.
Agencies and Independent escorts can upgrade their listing at any time.
More advertising sections to gain income, Articles, Blog writing, Events & special promotions which are fully manageable in the admin area. You can create categories and sub categories for each section.
Set up Google area maps for your Escort listings, Google Ads & Analytics.
Add, edit and delete locations as your business grows.
Categories and sub categories can be added or removed at any time, again, as your business grows.
Accounts manager to manage your administrators, clients and other users
Payments manager: Create invoices, Transaction History, Invoice History, Create an Invoice or add Promotional Codes for special advertising promotions.
You can create different types of listings, Basic listings, Premium listings or Showcase listings and set the price of each and set times, 1,2,3,4,6 or 12 month, or add your own.
For Showcase listings an Independent Escort or Agency can add, Galleries, Video, and have a featured add on their chosen Location & add their area to Google Map and edit or change their details at any time with their own login admin area. The type of listing can be upgraded or downgraded at any time.
A ‘to do’ list is displayed when you sign into your admin area, this is automated and nothing will be removed from here till you have done the ‘to do’ action, like accept listing or accept payment etc…
Edit all the system emails that go out to you and the user. You get notified for any new items or listings or other methods or advertising in the great Email manager. You can also have different email addresses for, Banners, listings, payments received, everything. The user will get reminders when nearing the renew time of the ad.
Ratings and comments can be enabled or disabled.
Booking form manager so an individual or Agency can organise their bookings.
Set the price for everything, including, different types of banners and per 1000 (this is changeable) Clicks, in different areas, top, bottom, featured or sponsored banners. Set price, per article, Event or tour ad’s in Basic, Premium or showcase. Also, set the cost of each listing by Free, Basic, premium or Showcase
View ad’s from mobile.
As well as having your Escort, Massage parlour, Agency listings & banner campaigns, there are also sections where you can sell space for people advertising Tours, Article & blog writing & promotions.
These are photos from the view of the paid members area

Here is what the directory package includes:

•Advertisers can submit the following via Advertise web form:
– Ad copy, email, web link, stats (age, height, weight, hair color, eye color, measurements)
– Select Primary Location from drop-down menu
– Select Primary Category from drop-down menu
– Upload up to 4 full-size jpeg photos
– Automatic picture watermarking (new feature)
– Ad Changes are submitted via webform and are delivered to site administrator via email

•One (1) password protected Master Admin Login
– Master Admin can edit and publish or unpublish ads as desired
– Master Admin can approve, add, edit and remove unlimited number of listings
– Master Admin can change listing pictures and info
– Master Admin can control main gallery thumbnail picture ordering
– Master Admin can add/remove unlimited number of locations
– Master Admin can edit info pages (About Us, Rates, etc)
– Master Admin can add/remove unlimited banners and control banner ordering
– Master Admin can assign banner expiration dates (new)
– Master Admin can edit title and search engine meta-tags for each info page

•E-Commerce Integration
– Advertisers are taken to secure payment page upon submission of their ad
– Advertisers ads are automatically disabled if recurring payment fails

samples are —–—paid site

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