A pack of website headers with navigation bars. All made in a huge number of colours. Ready for 980 px grid (grid is available in .psd).
Easily customizable & editable (made in shapes and shape layers). 8 patterns (used in the item) are included to make your own variants.
Package Contents
- Well-structured .psd file
- Preview .jpg file
- 8 patterns in .pat file
- help .txt file
Assets Used
- ChunkFive (free font)
- Vollkorn (free font)
- Ballpark (free font)
- Fontin-Sans (free font)
- Deftone-Stylus (free font)
- Burnstown-Dam (free font)
- Blokletters-Potlood (free font)
- Trebuchet (web font)
- Verdana (web font)
- icons used from free iconsweets2 pack
- wood texture used from free wood texture pack
- paper texture used from free paper texture pack