Dozens killed in Yemen fighting

Anti-government protesters at a rally in Sanaa, 24 May 2011Protesters continue to take to the streets, demanding the end of President Saleh’s rule

Clashes between security forces and Yemen’s biggest tribe have intensified on the streets of the capital, Sanaa.

At least 12 people have been killed and dozens wounded in two days of fighting, reports say.

Heavy gunfire has been heard around the home of tribal leader Sheikh Sadeq al-Ahmar, who has joined protests against President Abdullah Saleh’s rule.

Government forces are also reported to have shelled tribesmen who are outside several key ministries.

Sheikh Ahmar, head of the powerful Hashid tribe, is a former supporter of the president. He joined the anti-government protests against Mr Saleh in March.

“The clashes were violent. The sound of machine gun and mortar fire could be heard everywhere, ” one witness told Reuters.

The violence comes after two tribal fighters were reported killed and 25 other fighters wounded on Monday.

Middle East unrest: Yemen

Yemeni President Ali Abdullah Saleh. Photo: 22 May 2011

President Ali Abdullah Saleh in power since 1978Population 24.3m; land area 536,869 sq kmThe population has a median age of 17.9, and a literacy rate of 61%Youth unemployment is 15%Gross national income per head was $1,060 (£655) in 2009 (World Bank)Profile: President Saleh Yemen country profile

The clashes follow Mr Saleh’s refusal to sign a Gulf-brokered transition deal on Sunday.

He said he would only sign in the presence of opposition leaders.

The deal called for Mr Saleh to step down within a month after 33 years in office and hand over power to a unity government. It would also have given the president immunity from prosecution.

Mr Saleh has been criticised by Western powers, in particular the US and France, for failing to agree to a transfer of power.

Meanwhile, many protesters – inspired by the successful revolts in Tunisia and Egypt – say the Gulf accord does not go far enough, and are calling for Mr Saleh’s immediate departure.

In March, Sheikh Ahmar said he was “joining the revolution” and called on Mr Saleh, himself a member of the Hashid tribe, “to exempt Yemen from the bloodshed and make a quiet exit”.

This article is from the BBC News website. © British Broadcasting Corporation, The BBC is not responsible for the content of external internet sites.

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