Two jailed for raping 15-year-old

Hussnain Ahmed and Omar AliAhmed and Ali were jailed for 11 years each

Two men who picked a 15-year-old girl up from outside Manchester care home and raped her have been jailed.

Hussnain Ahmed, and Omar Ali, both from Longsight, were found guilty of rape and jailed for 11 years each at Manchester Crown Court.

The 24-year-olds, seeing the girl was drunk, persuaded her to get into their car on 28 June last year.

They drove her to a spot in Alderley Edge and raped her, before dropping her off some distance from the home.

She walked back and told staff she felt unwell and the home called police.

Before she was attacked, Ahmed, of Duncan Road, and Ali, of Sunnybank Road, took her mobile phone from her.

Several days later, the girl saw Ali and he gave her the phone back. His and Ahmed’s numbers were stored in it.

She gave it to the investigating officer Det Sgt Adam Cronshaw, who called the pair and told them to come to Longsight Police Station, where they were arrested.

Forensic tests showed DNA evidence consistent with both of them raping her.

They claimed she consented to having sex.

Det Sgt Cronshaw said: “Not only did Ali and Ahmed rape a defenceless young girl, but it is clear they exploited the fact she was from a care home, intoxicated and vulnerable.

“I hope this case demonstrates that Greater Manchester Police takes the issues of rape and sexual exploitation of children extremely seriously.

“Just because a child does not live with their parents, it does not mean no-one cares and it does not mean they should be subject to the sort of sexual exploitation by the likes of Ali and Ahmed just for their own gratification.

“I am absolutely delighted that the jury saw through the lies they spun and convicted them of rape.”

This article is from the BBC News website. © British Broadcasting Corporation, The BBC is not responsible for the content of external internet sites.

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