Article Writing (22 Articles)

Article Writing (22 Articles)
We need 22 new unique articles for our “Yeast Infection” niche website. The articles are to be used for article marketing.

We are looking for a professional writer, or group of writers. With strong English language, basic experience of SEO and who can write interesting articles about the subject.

The articles must be unique. No copied, duplicated or existing work will be accepted. All articles must be freshly created by you. They must be original. Don’t copy and paste from other web sites. Don’t use copyrighted material. All work will be checked through:
Discovery of any duplication or use of copyrighted material will result in automatic disqualification.

Required Skills:

The articles must be written using excellent English.

Detail Requirements:

A list of keywords will be provided to the winning bidder.

Each 500-600 word article should use the keyword 10-20 times in the article = 2-4% keyword density.
Have the keywords in the opening and closing paragraph and the rest naturally “sprinkled” in the body. We will check the correct keyword density using:

This Job is “work for hire” based on copyright laws and guidelines. copyrights will be fully transferred to me after you receive the payment. you will NOT be permitted to reproduce, reprint, resell, or lease the articles to other clients.

Articles should be plain text (*.txt). One article per text file. Use the respective keyword as the file title.


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