1. Overview
– Our company collects all of the obituary information throughout Canada and other relevant details related to the same
– This information is provided to us from hundreds of sources
– We take all of this information, input it into a spreadsheet (or a database, whatever is easier for you) and then upload this information onto the website for paid users to be able to search & view.
– When users view this information:
Each ROW represents one (1) obituary
Each COLUMN represents a particular detail of each individual obituary (EX: Date of Birth)
There will be thousands of ROWS
There is going to be 15-20 COLUMNS
– The most important part of this business is the search function of the website – it is extremely important that users can find the information that they need and view the information in an easy effortless way
– Users need to be able to search with filters – for example, they could only search for “people who died in their 70s” in “Brampton”; or, “people who died a natural death” in “Hamilton”
– This site has two goals:
o 1. To entice people to buy our online membership service (through look, feel, text, security)
o 2. Provide easy to use information (through accurate/timely data, effective search application)
– This data is updated periodically to the website that you are creating
– Clients purchase this information through the website. With a purchase, they can view all data on the website.
– All subscriptions go on a monthly or yearly basis
– Clients have full access 24/7 during the time in which they bought the service
2. Web Pages Needed
a. Goal: minimize the number of pages & text needed to operate the site effectively
b. Registration Page(s)
i. P1: User agrees to Terms & Conditions; user enters User & Company Information
ii. P2: User selects regions & categories to purchase; user enters credit card information
iii. P3: User is provided with purchase summary and an email notification is sent
c. Home Page
i. Text describing service
d. Disclaimer Page
i. Text describing the limitations and general uses of our service
e. Contact Us Page
i. Answers to FAQ’s will be on same page as Contact Us page (at bottom)
f. Privacy Policy Page
g. Terms & Conditions Page
h. User Interface (after signing-in)
i. P1: Search Page
3. Goals
– Our primary goal beyond having a good product/service is to present ourselves as a highly ethical company. This will mostly be executed through text on the website along with a sound business philosophy; however, the look and feel of the website will also be a contributing factor