Virtual Assistant

I’m looking for a Virtual Assistant part time (around 20 hours a week). Please read the entire ad to ensure you meet the requirements.

You must speak and write English and have access to email, and skype or icq. Pay will be via paypal on a weekly basis after work is completed. This is a work from home position and requires reliability, reliable high speed internet, computer access, ability to look at porn without issues, self motivated, an eye for what works (ie: look at a porn gallery and select 1 picture to represent the whole scene that will entice surfers to click.) and html familiarity.

This position will grow steadily for the right person. As your experience and my business grows (currently around 300 adult websites, and another 300 non adult) the work will increase, as will the pay.

Duties would include, but not be limited to:

1. WordPress Content updates. ie: Being able to log into a blog admin area and post an update with image (update would be provided, Assistant might need to provide title.). There will be around 100 updates per week to start)

2. checking website links to ensure they work and if broken, report them to me for fixing. (this is a once a month duty)

3. Internet research (periodic as needed)

4. Article Marketing (periodic a few times a month as needed)

5. Social Media (twitter/facebook posting) (Less than 10 posts a week)

In the future, if things worked out, duties to be added would be things like selecting adult galleries to be assigned to writers for writing.
Assigning writing to writers.
Tracking Cam models to ensure continued viability.
Tracking sites to ensure traffic is stable.
Fixing broken links, fixing broken code, installing new sites, etc.

If this interests you, I’ll be looking to fill this in a month part time and if it works out would go to full time within a year.

This is a salaried position but provides bonuses for efficiency and holiday bonuses.

Paid vacation is not part of this package at this time.

Virtual assistant would be an independent contractor for income tax purposes for the first year and a salaried employee thereafter.

Please apply and include each requirement that you can meet ie:

paypal – yes
speak english – yes

Please feel free to include any additional skills you feel make you perfect for this job.

This will be a trial for one week if the work is completed well then we can look at more permanent employment.

Make your bid for 1 week of 20 hours.

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