Create Presentation Slides with HTML and CSS (HTML & CSS)

So you’re a web developer, and will be giving a presentation soon. Why the heck are you reaching for that piece of software? Keynote? No thanks. I’ve learned enough programs to last a lifetime!

Why don’t we instead use the technologies that we’re already familiar with? HTML , CSS, and JavaScript.

In this 5-part screencast course (and written tutorial), I will personally take you step by step through the process of creating custom presentation slides from scratch.

Even better – you know how, sometimes, instructors assume that you understand way more than you do? Not me – I’ll cover every single line to ensure that all of you are on the same page with me.

We’ll discuss everything from JavaScript best practices, to the latest techniques in CSS3 , to perfect HTML markup. Ready?

As the editor of Nettuts+ and a site manager of the Envato marketplaces, satisfaction is guaranteed. :)

Screencasts were recorded in HD at 1280×720, using a high quality condenser mic, for maximum clarity.

Download Create Presentation Slides with HTML and CSS (HTML & CSS)

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