Clean Web Elements (Web Elements)

Clean Web Elements User Guides

“Clean Web Elements” is a clean and modern style design, suitable for any Business or Marketing web-sites, web application and/or desktop applications.

Overall Details
All the PSD files have a very well organized layer structure that is very easy to use and customize. Moreover, 99% of the layers are in Photoshop Vector Shape format, yet again, easy to customize, scale, color modifications etc.

What the Archive Contains
The main PSD source file is splitted into 4 smaller PSD files for the weak/old computers.

“CleanWebElements.psd” contains all the elements

“CleanWebElements_Pack1.psd” contains:
Horizontal Menu (2 styles)
Buttons (4 styles + icons for Large buttons)
Scrollbars (11 styles)
Drop_Downs (text fields, dropdown combo box, date chooser combo box)
RadioButtons & CheckBoxes (1 shuffle style for banner image area)
Search_Fields (4 styles)

“CleanWebElements_Pack2.psd” contains:
ToolTips (4 styles)
PageControl_Buttons (2 styles)
Progress Bar (4 styles + 4 Pin styles for progress info)
Frame_Icons (11 usefull icon set for modules)
Modules (3 styles)

“CleanWebElements_Pack3.psd” contains:
Tab_Control (4 styles)

“CleanWebElements_Pack4.psd” contains:
Messages (3 styles)
Video_Player (added more buttons usefull buttons)

Download Clean Web Elements (Web Elements)

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