John Simpson’s burka to go on show at war museum

John Simpson donning his burkaJohn Simpson went undercover to become the only TV journalist in Afghanistan in September 2001
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A burka worn by BBC world affairs editor John Simpson and a bullet that grazed Kate Adie’s leg in Beirut are to go on display for the first time.

Simpson wore the burka as a disguise to enter Taliban-controlled Afghanistan before the US-led attack in 2001.

His fellow BBC correspondent Kate Adie was scratched by a stray bullet in Lebanon and kept it as a lucky charm.

The items will be part of an exhibition on war reporting at the Imperial War Museum North in Manchester from 28 May.

The exhibition, called War Correspondent, will examine the roles and perils of journalists in conflicts from World War I to the present day.

It will also feature the white suit that became Martin Bell’s trademark during the Bosnian war, the typewriter used by ITN’s Michael Nicholson in Vietnam and a Reuters Land Rover that was hit by a rocket in Gaza in 2006.

The BBC’s Jeremy Bowen and the late Brian Hanrahan will also be featured, as will Richard Dimbleby, The Daily Telegraph’s Clare Hollingworth, who is credited with breaking the news of the German invasion of Poland in 1939, and American journalist Martha Gellhorn.

Imperial War Museum North director Jim Forrester said: “The remarkable men and women featured in this exhibition have all brought momentous events and important stories into our lives and living rooms, often at considerable risk to themselves.”

This article is from the BBC News website. © British Broadcasting Corporation, The BBC is not responsible for the content of external internet sites.

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