Website Clone

I would like develop a website for people to be able to trade or swap video games just like

If you have worked on similar projects that would be ideal.

I noticed some sites get data from Muze I think that’s how they get game information and images so please advise if you can provide this or some sort of data feed for the content.

Members would need to sign up and create a inventory of the games they have.

The website would need to work on a trading points system and a fee per trade.

I would also like to have a members forum and additional modules like at like iphone app, facebook and so on.

Please look over the website I have given that I would like to copy.

Please provide a quote that includes everything. The project is rather involved to do a closne of the same system and also design the layout, branding, facebook and myspace page and everything.

Please include the word GAME at the start of your bid so I know you have read this.

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