Yii Jquery Facebook

For experienced Yii and Facebook developer only. No learners. Amazon EC2/S3 experience is a plus.

This is for an image rating with deep integration to Facebook.

The images are ranked not on votes or likes alone, but also on views, comments, star rating and so forth.

For comments and likes, I intend to use Facebook’s social plug-ins.


So the count or number of comments and likes have to be stored locally using edge.create event api

Facebook FAQ]:


“If you are using the XFBML version of the button, you can subscribe to the ‘edge.create’ event through FB.Event.subscribe.”

This example is for Facebook “likes” but I think you can do the same for comments:

Examples of Functions


Homepage: as mentioned, the images represented by thumbnails are ranked (or displayed) through a combination of views, comments, star rating etc… (I manually set the required number of views, comments etc.. in the admin section.)

The the images also expire from the homepage after a few hours or days (set in admin), to make room for other new high ranking images.

The older or expired images, however, can rotate back to the homepage (a few number times, set in admin) if it once again meet the required number of likes, comments, etc..


Users are allowed to upload 3 images. So while thumbnails are displayed in the hompage, they represent a slideshow when clicked by users.


The other complicated part is the privacy setting using Facebook’s api starting with if-is-friends-with-viewer and if-is-group-member. There will be privacy options when users post their images on site and on Facebook. There will also be privacy options on the user profile and when following or being followed.

I’m not a programmer, so of course, these are just what I think are possible usage for these api’s. I am open to other approaches on Facebook.


If interested Please message me only projects related to Yii or Facebook. Please don’t message me your entire portfolio.

The video portion using Red5, ffmeg, and S3 of this app and the template will be developed and designed by someone else. So your focus is strictly programming..

I will not accept anyone asking for 50% down payment. I will pay by milestones only and the work stored on Github.

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