I’m looking for a basic google(.nl) scraper to post back :
# of intitle results
# of regular results
Results needs to be grabbed from google.nl
With “Pagina’s uit Nederland” set (pages from the netherlands only)
Input will be like
keyword one
keyword two
keyword three
These are the results for a manual query for the searchterm:
goedkope webhosting
For intitle the input is:
intitle:goedkope webhosting
# of results 12,000
intitle:”goedkope webhosting”
# of results 1,710
For regular results the input is:
“goedkope webhosting”
# of results 12,900
Results need to be places in a csv or txt with delimiter like
keyword|# intitle results|”# intitle results”|# regular results
Output for the example will be like this
goedkope webhosting|12000|1710|12900
Project has somewhat high priority.
Please only respond if you have expereince in creating such a script.