A 50 minute video tutorial, explaining how to go from a dull-looking modelling shot of an otherwise beautiful woman, to a full-fledged geisha inspired makeover.
The video is 800×600, so you can see everything that’s going on (preview is widescreen).
You also get the same PDF file that I worked on in the tutorial, so you can see exactly what goes on! (file is lower resolution and watermarked).
The following topics are covered in detail:
- Whitening the skin.
- Making thick red lipstick.
- Adding blush.
- Adding eyelashes.
- Adding jewellery (earrings and tiara).
- Changing and duplicating the hair.
- Removing the background, and changing it.
The following topics are covered briefly:
(if you want a more detailed tutorial on these, check out my other linked tutorials below)
- Skin cleaning.
- Skin smoothing.
- Facial correction with the liquefy filter.
- Adding and correcting shadows and highlights (lighting).
Photo by Bill Jones.
Music in preview:
Pablo Gómez – What you think
Related tutorials:
Interested in a more detailed tutorial on facial retouching? Check out my other tutorial!
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