On the following website : http://goo.gl/SnBxR it’s possible to view documents in a flipbook.
I am particularly interested by the document “Inside No. 11” in the left column here: http://goo.gl/YkcrY ,
Your job is:
1 / retrieve all documents presented in their original format (I guess that’s are pictures in .jpg per page, integrated into a flash applet? here: http://goo.gl/W8o7B )
2 / create a web page identical to http://goo.gl/W8o7B with the same flipbook and the same documents. Warning: I do not want another flipbook script which you downloaded from the Internet, but I want this one used on this page!)
I will consider finished the job when I received:
1 / all jpg images used in this flipbook,
2 / an html page wich integrate this flipbook with the applet + all images need to have the same flipbook on one of my accommodation + a user manual to used correctly this flipbook.
Ok to make a payment through escrow on scriptlance,