How warm is your home?

Couple in vest tops by a radiatorIs winter really the time to expect to wear vest tops?

Our homes are getting warmer just as the powers-that-be are asking us to turn our thermostats down. How cool is too cool for a house?

Spring is in the air in the UK, but it will be weeks – if not months – before the nation’s radiators switch off.

The average indoor temperatures of British houses are creeping up now central heating is the norm, and double glazing and insulation are added to older, draughtier homes.

In the UK Department of Energy and Climate Change’s new online modelling tool My 2050, users can decide what they want the UK to be like in 39 years time. The only caveat? Carbon emissions must drop 80% while keeping the lights on.

It shows that hitting this target requires more than extra wind turbines or nuclear power stations. How many cars should be electric? Should international shipping grow or shrink?

Government drive

Screengrab of My 2050

My 2050 is web application for Department of Energy and Climate ChangeThey want to cut emissions by 80%My 2050

And, most immediate to personal comfort, should the average indoor temperature of British houses continue to rise, stay roughly the same at 17.5C (63.5F), or fall?

Dropping it to 16C – the lowest setting in this virtual world – only shaves 7% off carbon emissions. Even if we all get in the habit of wearing woollies inside, this will still feel chillier than usual to most people.

David MacKay, the DECC’s chief scientist, practises what he preaches in his once draughty semi-detached 1940s house. As well as double glazing and insulation, he has turned the heating right down.

“When I’m at home, my normal thermostat settings are roughly 13C, but lower when I am out, and 15C, briefly, at getting-up time in the morning. One important additional rule is that whenever I feel cold, I turn the thermostat up as high as I like. The automatic thermostat control then turns it back to the normal settings a few hours later.”

He hopes that insulating more homes, smarter thermostats and “the promotion of sweater-wearing by sexy personalities” will encourage more people to follow suit.

Sweater-wearers Cameron Diaz, Zac Efron and Michelle Obama Wrap up warm to get cosy

But to many, a thermostat set in the low teens may sound unconscionably frugal – especially when the range of numbers commonly goes from 10 to 30C.

Comfort cannot be defined absolutely, but the World Health Organization’s standard for warmth is 21C (70F) in a living room and 18C (64F) elsewhere.

Our expectations of thermal comfort have been raised by central heating at home and at work, and because we are more sedentary at home and at work. Those sitting still – in front of the TV, or at a computer – feel the cold quicker than someone moving about.

“A human’s perception of whether they feel warm depends on what they are doing, and what they’ve been doing for the past hour or so,” says Dr MacKay in his book Sustainable Energy – Without The Hot Air.

According to one widely quoted model, devised in 2008 by the Carbon Reduction in Buildings project, average indoor temperatures have risen from 12C in 1970 to about 17.5C (63.5F) today.

But, says Michelle Shipworth of the UCL Energy Institute, this model assumes we are turning our thermostats up, to explain why energy use hasn’t gone down as homes have become more energy efficient.

What has happened, she says, is that we now heat more rooms, and for longer.

Room temperature v health risk18-21C – comfortable temperature9-12 or 24+C: Risk of stroke and heart attack21-24C or 16-18C – increasing discomfort12-16C – risk of respiratory diseaseLess than 9C – risk of hypothermiaSource: Study by housing expert Richard Moore

Forty years ago, few houses had central heating, and chilly hallways and spare rooms dragged the average temperature down. Radiators now warm rooms that previous generations wouldn’t have heated – corridors, bedrooms, and bathrooms.

The last comprehensive set of measured home indoor temperatures is from 1996, when the English House Condition Survey found that although living room temperatures in winter remained relatively stable, the nation’s hallways were getting warmer – up from 16.3C in 1986 to 17.9C.

“And for bedrooms, you’ll be far more comfortable while your asleep if it is about 14C,” says Shipworth.

Dr Lucy Worsley, chief curator of the Royal Historic Palaces, agrees. “My grandmother wouldn’t sleep in a heated bedroom, and would always have a window open. You can’t imagine many people today feel the same.”

In our enthusiasm for cosy homes, she says many of us are like the profligate Georgians.

“Fair houses so full of glass that one cannot tell where to become to be out of the sun or cold”

Sir Francis Bacon on 16th Century fashion for huge windows

“A warm living room showed you were a good host and a generous person. They thought an element of wastefulness showed you had enough cash to be generous,” says Worsley, presenter of BBC Four’s If Only Walls Could Talk, a history of our homes to be broadcast in April.

“In medieval times, heating your home was akin to burning money. There was a 16th Century saying, ‘the game’s not worth the candle’ – a task was only worth doing if it justified the expense of illumination.

“But when people began to have more spare time and spare money, considerations of waste became less important.”

With energy bills soaring in recent years, and more people aware of energy consumption, she expects frugality to be thrust upon us once more.

“I do think the future will be medieval, when the big bang comes and we run out of oil. Small windows, shutters on the outside, a chimney for natural ventilation.”

Adjusting thermostatLearning to operate a smart thermostat takes time

And expectations can be adjusted down as well as up. In Japan, there is a move away from super-cooling and over-heating office buildings. Government officials are encouraged to abandon jackets and ties in summer, and some local authorities have workers wrapped in blankets at their desks in winter.

“In 2005, Prime Minister Koizumi decreed that no government building should be heated above 20C or cooled below 28C,” says Professor Michael Kelly, of Cambridge University.

“That had quite an energy saving, but no drop-off in worker productivity. Compare that to London, where the expectation is that buildings will be within a few degrees of 22C year-round.”

So will smart thermostats and radiator valves help, that allow homeowners to target heat where it’s needed at different times in the day?

Experts say technology can only do half the job. A smart thermostat is only as smart as the person operating it.


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5. Tom

Interesting to read that temperatures above 24 degrees can increase the risk of stroke and heart attack. Here in Hong Kong the Government recommends thermostats are set at 25.5 degrees. There is a peculiar bent in Hong Kong to have air con set at arctic temperatures, even in the dead of winter. On a sweltering summer’s day, I always have to take a jumper and jacket to combat the frigid air con.

4. Alicia

Personally I only bother putting the the fire/central heating on if there is ice on the inside of windows. I don’t class it as properly cold otherwise

3. fiskrond

Always females complaining it’s cold…try dressing appropriately for the time of year and remember that work is not a catwalk. If you feel the cold, simple solution devised via evolution and ancestry..wear warm clothes.It is soo selfish to inflict unnecessary heat on those who do not feel cold (because they’ve dress appropriately), human body is more stressed by excess heat than excess cold!

2. Tangoman642

radiators on when u wake…maybe for an hour…to boost the house & your warmth fresh from a warm bed…then turn off till its needed and even then i only put it back on for an hour or for evenings and night time…i never put it on because the heat would keep me awake all night..then id need the window open to cool it down..which defeats having it on before bed in the first place.

1. James

It also depends on the gender divide in your workplace..While most men are happy for it to be nice and cool, women often like it to be swealtering!! So an unhappy median is reached with both parties uncomfortable!


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