Tutorial: Debugging Objective-C Memory Leaks For Beginners

Memory leaks can be extremely difficult to find, and can become a very costly problem when you are developing in Objective-C.  Even if you follow all the rules correctly memory leaks can still be an issue.

I found a  tutorial from Ray Wenderlich that gives a great overview of the tools and techniques for debugging those memory leaks in Xcode.  If you run into memory leak issues this tutorial gives a great overview of the basics.

Covered in the tutorial are the basics of NSZombie, how to use the static analyzer from the build and analyze option in Xcode, and using the Leaks instrument.

You can find the tutorial here:
How To Debug Memory Leaks With Xcode And Instruments

This is definitely some must know information for those looking to solve their first memory leak issues with Xcode and Objective-C

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