Notify System

We are looking for this to be a hosted solution that we can add contacts and send messages either by all methods or selected methods. We need the ability to import users or manually add.

We need a notify system where we can have the following methods to communicate or post:

Multiple emails
cell (text)
phone (leave recorded voicemail)
facebook page
calendar event

We would need to have user security and groups. We would like for users to be able to log into a webpage that is like a profile page that they can manually update and enter their information. It would also show calendar with any events listed.

ex: The ability to notify John Smith about Friday’s lunch meeting via email, text, voicemail, fax, post to his facebook and send a calendar invite. It would also be added to his online calendar. It would also track that it was sent, opened, and the ability to one click rsvp. It would provide the admin user a report that this was completed.

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