Expert Php Developer For Script Project

I am looking for someone to design something from scratch that I will have the copywrite too. No pre-existing scripts can be used.

I prefer personal responses than copied and pasted messages.

In your bid and PMB please demonstrate that you have the skills to perform this; highlight the time it would take to perform this; also demonstrate that you are excellent at communication (preference to be available over Skype 24/7); the working hours; and to be available most hours of the day.

Do not copy and paste messages or list a long list of past jobs.

You are only bidding for the coding element of the website not the designing. We will provide .psds!

Thank you.


Groupon Clone Brief

100% PHP Source Codes
Instant Download For Clients
Revenue Generating.
Copywrite removal for additional cost
Easy to Use and Install.
Email/Ticket support as well as phone support.
Affiliation Scheme
Self Installer Requiring License Code
License Code Software

Facebook Connect Plugin
Allowing users to signin/register on your Groupon clone site with an existing facebook account

Mobile Plugin
This plugin supports all mobile web browsers for your users including iphone, blackberry, windows mobile and many more. With this plugin they can access your Groupon clone site via any internet enabled phone and it has a mobile detector which will direct your users to the mobile version if they are surfing using their phones.

Facebook Connect Plugin
Allowing users to signin/register on your Groupon clone site with an existing facebook account

Mobile Plugin
This plugin supports all mobile web browsers for your users including iphone, blackberry, windows mobile and many more. With this plugin they can access your Groupon clone site via any internet enabled phone and it has a mobile detector which will direct your users to the mobile version if they are surfing using their phones.

Site is themeable: Client will be able to select from a choice of themes and one of them will be installed upon site installation. Needs to be future themeproof.

Supports MemCache technology for enhance performance of your website

Social media support:
Anyone can share deal information on Facebook, Twitter, MSN or Email
Display deal of the day with info on the number of deals bought, interactive timer on time left to buy and details of the deal
Supports Side Deals (Offer more than 1 deal for your customers)
Ability to check previous deals
Ability to choose cities to view city specific deals

3 Account Types
User account: This account is for website users to manage their account, purchase deals, check their online orders and many more.

Partner account: This account is issued to companies where the deals are used. A partner account enables the company staff to monitor sales status in real-time, update account information as well as validating coupon codes when a user claim a deal

Admin account: Control the backend administration of the Groupon clone site

Integrated with secure payment gateway such as Paypal and user also have the option to pay via offline methods such as bank transfer

User Features
• Ability to subscribe to daily deal information from the user’s own city
• Users can get a rebate if they successfully invite their friends to purchase a deal
• Users can post questions for each deal in the Q&A section
• Integrated forum for each city/country for user discussion
• Ability to upload display photo, edit username, password and user delivery info
• Ability to verify and claim coupon online
• Finance Manager
o Display financial records for fund deposit by members for Offline/Online payment
o Display financial records for deals by cash payment
o Ability to top up
• Deal Manager
o Display deals the user has purchased by paid, unpaid and all orders
o Display details of deals that user has purchased including the amount, status, quantity, purchase time and deal info
• Coupon Manager
o Display coupons by used, unused and expired
o Display details of coupon including the coupon number, password, validity date, deal info and status

Partner Features
• Ability to view list of deals and the details including deal status, total payment, quantity balance and date
• Partner can edit his profile including username, password, company details and bank account info
• Ability to view the list of coupon codes issued for the deals and its status, coupon password, validity info as well as buyer details so that partner companies can use this info for coupon tracking
• Search for coupon codes

Admin Features

• General Features
o Ability to control your Groupon site through an interface, with a secure login, so that an administrator can login remotely
o Ability to create multiple administration accounts
o Ability to define multiple cities so users can switch between cities
o Ability to schedule a deal in advance
o Built-in WYSIWYG editor
• Quick Stats – Display your Groupon site statistics including total deals, members, subscribers, orders and Daily stats
• Q&A Manager – View/reply questions posted by users for each deal
• Feedback Manager – View/Manage feedbacks and suggestions sent by users on your Groupon site
• Subscription Manager – View/Manage subscribers. Admin also have the ability to filter the subscriber list by City or Email address
• Finance Manager
o Display financial records for fund deposit by members for Offline/Online payment
o Display financial records for deals by cash payment
o Display refund records for deals
o Display records for user withdrawals
• Rebate Manager
o This section allows the admin to view/manage the rebates issued to members when they invite a friend for a deal on your Groupon site
• Deal Manager
o Admin has the ability to create deal by City and Category
o Ability to specify a start date/time, ending date/time, price, minimum purchase requirements, maximum purchase requirements, upload photos and video links, set terms and conditions, order details, coupon delivery option
o Ability to view current/good/failed deals and admin can edit/delete existing deals
• Order Manager
o Orders for your Groupon site are organized by Current, Paid and Unpaid for easy administration
o Search orders for your by email, order number
o Display orders with info such as item, user, quantity, total amount, delivery and ability to delete orders that are unpaid
• Coupon Manager
o Ability to create new coupons and able to set the validity date, value and quantity
o Display coupons which are sorted by unused, used and expired
o Ability to search for coupon by Deal, Partner and Status
o Export coupons to excel
• User Manager
o Ability to search for users via email
o View/manage list of users and administrator
o Ability to create admin accounts for your Groupon site
o Ability to manual top up credits for users
• Partner Manager
o View/edit/delete partners
o Ability to create new partner account
• Marketing Tools
o Ability to mass mail members
o Download customer data including mobile phone number, email, orders, coupons, customer details to CSV format for offline marketing
• Category Manager
o Create/edit/delete new cities
o Create/edit/delete new deal categories
• Site Configuration
o Setup basic settings for your Groupon clone site such as website name, title, currency, enable email verification, allow rebate, allow discussion in deals, enable partner to download coupon, enable side deals and business contact info
o Create/edit bulletin announcements on site-wide or specific cities
o Supported Payment options: Paypal, Alipay, Bank Transfer
o Configure email settings: SMTP/PHP Mail
o Enable/disable cities
o Page editor: Edit website pages
o Setup cache to enable site to load faster
o Skin manager: customize the look and feel of your Groupon clone site by selecting pre-loaded website themes
o Template Manager: Allow easy editing of the Groupon website templates

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