Gift Site

My gift script idea

This is going to be a membership base script where members can add a gift list. When you have an idea of something you may want for your birthday or any other occasion you enter it on the site. And then all your registered friends can give it a look and know what you want. Friends can check the gift when they have bought it or are going to buy it. The person receive the gift will not see what gift is bought nor whom has bought it, but all others friends will now that the gift has been bought. A person will be able to add gift to their profile for different occasions (ex. Babyshow, x-mas, birthday, mother’s day, ECT), that they will name. There will also be a function to add a group of friends to a group gift exchange; the site will automatically pick who is giving a gift to whom. Members will be able to invite friends to become members by sending them an e-mail. An evente organiser will also be able to invite members to a party or event, and select the celebrated person. The site will invtie everyone and let them know who is the celebrated, the person who is being celebrated will not be informed and will not be aware of this. Unless the organizer checks, the inform the celebrated member, once this is checked there will be a warning message to ask are you sure this is not a surprise.
The script has to be easily edited to be multi lingual. The pages also need to be template oriented.
Member info need

Family name
About me
Favourite colour
A list of gifts –a member can create and delete categories for gifts, and name them like they want.
-friends who buy one of the gifts can check the gift as bought, to keep the gifting a surprise, all other friends will see that the gift is already bought. If ever the member himself buys the gift or changes their mind an e-mail will be send to the member who has bought the gift to let them know.
A function that lets the member decide if they want their profile visible to friends only or everyone, somewhat like face book they can be found but a member to be a friends to see more.

When looking at a friend’s profile, we should see their friends

The gift exchange organizer will pick the members involved. Fields required description, date, gift value, title. The above filed will be fitted into a html template that will look like cards. The webmaster will be able to add different html templates and different background images and the organizer will be able to mix and match them to make the invitation card he wishes. The organizer will also be able to use his own image. Once all the members have confirmed their presence to an event the organizer can check send at random the person for whom everyone is buying a gift. At this point everyone gets a different person for whom to by a gift, being someone else then them-self. They can now look at their friends list and select a gift to buy. If ever one member invited to the gift exchange is taking long to confirm the participation the organizer has to be able to decide to send them a reminder or simply remove them. Who has who in the gift exchange should stay private. There should also be some sort of small blog that comes with every event page.
A member can create an event and invite member s. Each event should have gift receiver if the gift receiver is the organizer, then the event is not private and they will know when it is. Put in a case where the receiver is not the organizer the event must not be visible by the person being surprised, there must be function to make it visible to the gift receiver ( a warning should always asked the organizer if they are sure they want to activate this function). Basically this is pretty much like the gift exchange function but there is only one person receiving gifts.
Note: When creating the site keep in mind that key words of the site have to be easily editable for various languages. The original site must be made in English, but I will then translate it to other languages.

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