Online commercial real estate database with the ability for users to search premium listings by zip code or map search. The main function will be having the user input specific user requirements in an online template that when submitted to the website will “email blast” the requirement to subscribers with listings separated by zip code. The website will have an interactive map showing locations of premium listings and different zip codes. I would like to have the option for the business to set up a profile that will enable them to save their requirement data, email blasts, responses, etc. Within that profile I would like the option to use the users current email address or be supplied with a random generated reply email address, similar to Craigslist. All response to the email blast will be sent to this website and into the users profile inbox. I will need a sign up and profile page for subscribers. Within the users page I want an option to select where the email will go to local vendors who may be able to provide services for the user. I want the option to add advertisers as well as affiliate marketing to related businesses. I want the website to be easily found by search engines. Overall, I want the process to be simple and very user friendly. I do not have any reference sites so experience developing something similar is desired. Please provide a list of recent developments.