Eventbrite Sold Over 11M Tickets Last Year For $207M In Gross Sales

Ticketing company Eventbrite has had a banner 2010. In a blog post wrapping up its 2010 milestones on its company blog the company reveals that gross ticket sales in 2010 were exactly $206,899,900, more than double the $99,141,981 in ticket sales raked in in 2009. The total number of tickets sold in 2010 also ran laps around the 5,141,051 sold in 2009, at 11,004,743.

Eventbrite also had 222,353 events posted in 2010, over 9,370 cities from 147 countries represented, bringing in an 17,224,232 average monthly page views. The most trafficked month for the Eventbrite site was October with 6,738,155 unique visitors.

The post also provides some interesting statistics like ratio of tickets sold to stars in the Milky Way (11 to 200,000), orange cups purchased for the Eventbrite kitchen (36), games of Connect Four played in the Eventbrite office, and bags of candy purchased for the candy bowl (92).

Eventbrite is free for people offering free tickets and charges a fee for people selling tickets through the service. The average Eventbrite ticket price is $60.

Information provided by CrunchBase

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