Daily Deal Aggregator – Like Yipit.com

I want a daily deal aggregator, similar to yipit.com. I want similar functionality to yipit.com, i.e. deals displayed, time left for deal, saving on deal etc. The main difference between yipit and what I want is that I don’t want an API, blog or deals bought section. Yipit also has many categories – i.e. Dining and Nightlife, then subsections Restaurants and Bars, Bar & club. I don’t need the subsections, all I need is the main category i.e Dining and Nightlife. Also, this will not be an American based site so far fewer deals sites to get information from. Not all sites have RSS feeds so some sites will need to be scraped. However there isn’t much data that needs to be scraped and the coding will be very similar for every site and scraping is easy if you use simple_html_dom parser.

I need the following:
*auto update on twitter and facebook,
*auto email local and national deals,
*Need to be able to easily add new cities and new websites in the future
*site should be able to run with minimum maintenance.
*Facebook connect as the login as well as normal register
*site needs to be SEO friendly with titles, headers (H1), meta description
*From the back-end I will need to know stats on how often people click on links, I’d like this info dumped into a mysql database with date, website, name of deal, clicks
*I need to be able to order the way the deals are featured (simple to do)
*Links should easily be integrated with affiliate accounts.
*need to be able to sort via provider, discount time left etc.
*many sites have side deals, these need to be displayed as well.

Script is mine, cannot be onsold.

If you have any questions please msg me.

Please do not waste my time if you don’t know how yipit works and you don’t understand what the project is.

Thanks and I look forward to getting this project done!

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