Hands on tablet (Technology)

As the title says, the hands which hold the tablet.

I’m sure that you’ll be in a situation (or maybe you already were) to check how will your application really look like in the hands of an user. Here it is a great way to test that, 4 hands templates which are holding the tablet, which can be easily applied with your application screenshot.

The hands are the different layer, so you can move, rotate, combine them, or anything that gets on your mind.

The hands photos are in great size so you can use them in wide aspect, from web sites to high quality prints.

Tablet is also layered and you can use it with or without hands, which gives you the power to be creative.

The icons and wallpaper which you can see in the second screen are just a templates which represent the template application.

PSD doesn’t contain any text so there are no additional fonts.

Download Hands on tablet (Technology)

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