This WordPress theme is an elegant design for those who need a cool professional blog. It has smooth gradients and borders combined with big fonts.
Theme description
cracks is an awesome and professional WordPress theme for those who need a community or personal blog to publish elegant and structured content without sacrificing readibility and functionality.
Since it’s a community theme, all publications are accompanied by info about the author.
It comes with a full customizable sidebar with counters for twitter and RSS feedburner, a cool gallery importar from flickr, a fully functional contact page, and much more…
For your convenience it comes with a complete documentation to configure (step by step with lot of images) your wordpress and theme, customize it and more.
Theme features
- Ready to go PHP Contact page
- Customizable main menu
- Widget Ready
- Feedburner subscribers counter
- Twitter followers counter
- flickr gallery widget
- Elegant cloud tags
- Advertise 125×125 zone
- Compatible with most actual browsers (including IE7 and IE8 )