Quick Look: Blueprint

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In this Quick Look, we’re highlighting BluePrint. The developer describes BluePrint as an original scheme editor for iPad. You will be able to create a scheme, a blueprint, or a small draught quickly and professionally. The software represents a set of prefabricated components that will help you express your idea and share it with your friends and colleagues.
BluePrint is a small tool, capable of solving major tasks!

Read on for more information and screenshots!






About the App

Here are the top five features you can expect to see in the latest version:

  • Interesting and unusual design
  • Lots of objects
  • Export to the gallery, pdf, email, Facebook
  • Easy navigation
  • The opportunity to create their own objects

Requirements: iPad, iOS 4

Price: $4.99

Developer: ITCreate

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Quick Look posts are paid submissions offering only a brief overview of an app. Vote in the poll if you think this app is worth an in-depth AppStorm review! If you’re a developer and would like to have your app profiled, you can submit it here.

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