Programming Php Mysql

Need some work done to

-Fix affiliate login link. It used to work but now it just goes to a page not found error

-Fix Client login link. It used to work but now it goes to a page not found error

-Change each squeeze page to have a different girl like

-Fix the spacing between text and headlines on all pages. The spacing is fine between the Headline and the paragraph text, but the spacing between the last paragraph text and the next headline text is too close

-Fix the formatting and invisible text on the ‘other resources’ page, under credit articles in the sidebar.

-Remove intro flash video from the site

-Revamp the checkout process with a new layout and integrate paypal payments

-There currently is an exit popup that comes up everytime someone clicks a link on the page, which is incredibly annoying. It needs to be changed so that only when exiting from the homepage does the popup come up, not the other pages.

-Tweak the email autoresponders with new wordings (new messages will be supplied obviously).

I need this job done quickly. I look for good, professional communicators as well as solid programming skills. This is a fairly simple job, with the chance for more work if it goes well.

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