Facebook App Fbml Expert Needed Invite Contacts To Page

Check out this Facebook Fanpage:

There is a form which is similar to a tell a friend script. It is like a tell a friend script but with Facebook. If you have not yet “liked” the page you see pictures of your friends. You just click on the pictures of your friends and it automatically suggests this Fanpage to their chosen friends. It is just like what pops up when I click “Suggest to Friends”
link next to the profile. But I do not want them to have to click a link. I want the form right on my Fanpage. I have tried viewing source and copying and pasting the code on my page but it did not work.

I need someone to give me the exact FBML code or app to put this on my Fanpage. I have looked through apps Google search and i have not found anything.

If you can give me this code with my Facebook number and page included I can pay $20.

Just give me the code or app and I will add this to the page myself.

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