I need a php script written that will check a rss feed(s) every x minutes and store all of it’s entries in a database.
The script will also need to generate it’s own rss feeds (2) from the entries stored in the database. (I want this to be actual “valid” rss files written to the server.)
The script shall have the ability to create a new rss from all the entries stored (random oreder) and be able to create a new rss feed from a specific rss feed (newest first) that’s stored.
I have a max budget of $40 for this project so please don’t overbid as you your bid will be ignored and removed.
Please comment you code so i can easily update the rss feed to be recorded and the name of the rss feed that will be generated.
All files will need to be written locally as I will not provide you access to the server.