i need a directory website for night clubs.
that will allow the user or promoters to add events to the site.i want the site to have labestclubs.com templeted.
1. pop up screem ( to ask for user email, cell phone and name ) i want to be able to download on excel with all the visitor info.
2. music section
3. photo galery to be private until they make an account
4. rolation banners
5. birthday forms. some ( http://labestclubs.com/index.php?option=com_artforms&formid=1&Itemid=75 )
6. registration same ( http://labestclubs.com/index.php?option=com_comprofiler&task=registers )
7. seo
8. adding event i need some section to charge went adding some opstion on event adding.
9. on the home page i want the some banners that are small but i want them to be easy to control from admin.
10. i want the website to sent text to user that add thier cell phone.
11. i want to be able to download all user info on exel with all their info.
12. to have a section with meta tags section, tags for descrition, tags for keyworld,
13. traffic report , website coming from and keywolrds.