we have a photo upload or photo select tool where people can upload or select image, crop this, so we can print it out on whatever.
the user gives in a width and height of the wall he wants the print for and the image cropper is jumping to that size.
so far is everything working
but when the user uses the crop to re-size, the input is not changing to that particular size
pixel warning is in color now (orange, green, red), but my client want in image format, so dummies know it too,
modifications is that javascripterror browser fix, and crop button will show the cropped picture
http://londatiga.net/tutorials/imagecrop/example.html like here
pm me for the website, so i can show you
only bid if you really understand the relation to pixels in cm and good knowledge of oscommerce principals
http://www.dhtmlgoodies.com/index.html?whichScript=image-crop i have seen this crop tool today here, and the input for this is perfect,but aslso ratio is better than we have
(only we not need y or x)