I was once really bad with people.
I mean, REALLY bad. I had a few friends, but they were mostly as bad with people as I was. We weren’t even good with each other. We played video games to avoid dealing with our co-discomfort.
And it’s not just me! It’s HARD to meet people.
You’ve got a few mates from work or school, sure, but those are freebies. That’s forced interaction; hand-holding. How do you actually meet people out in the wild?!
I couldn’t figure this out either. Well actually, I did, but it took a while. And then I wrote an ebook about it. But I’m getting ahead of myself.
The point I wanted to get around to is this: these days my businesses are almost entirely based on the strength of my network.
I can walk into a room and be confident that by the time I leave I’ll know most of the people there and will have given them a reason to remember (and want to stay in touch with) me. I understand the intersocial dynamics of different kinds of get-togethers and the flow of power in a social setting.
This was tricky stuff to learn!
Unfortunately, most books on networking focus on things that are a bit arbitrary and unnecessary.
Most of what they preach is also a bit humdrum and boring…do you REALLY want to attend another conference? Infrared-exchange your contact information with a stranger with a Blackberry and a name tag? Shake hands, CRM names, practice elevator speeches, pretend to be interested?
Yeesh, me neither. What’s truly unfortunate is that this dry, frail kind of relationship-building process is what has come to represent ‘networking’ in the business sphere, and it’s not only yawn-inducing, it’s also ineffective.
In this ebook, I propose a new tact that involves building stronger bonds and social habits, and developing a more fulfilling approach to life and cultivating a more valuable network.
I’ll give you tips, tricks, philosophies and stories that will help you become a better networker without boring you along the way.
Not only that, but I’ve convinced 26 of the people who’s networking skills I respect the most (from all different walks of life, industries and lifestyles) to share their own experiences and advice.
Networking Awesomely has over 250 pages worth of information on how I’ve built my ideal lifestyle around a strong network, and how you can do the same.