B2b Insurance Portal

I am looking for a firm experienced creating B2B websites/engines (and has the portfolio to back it up) to work with me in developing this site.
The company needs to be reputable and experienced in this niche – please do not respond if you are not. This is the first of many projects for us and we are looking to build a good relationship with the right team.

So please make sure to inform me of your experience level working with b2b services, including document uploading, security, etc when bidding. More is not necessarily better. We are more interested in quality over quantity. Below is the technical specification.

Needless to say, the software needs to be developed by yourself without any plagiarism/copyright infringements.
We require complete and fully-functional working program in executable form as well as complete source code of all work done (so that I may modify it in the future).
Deliverables must be in ready-to-run condition as follows (depending on the nature of the deliverables):
Any website server-side deliverables must be installed by the worker in ready-to-run condition in my environment.
All other software (including but not limited to any desktop software or software the employer intends to distribute) must include a software installation package that will install the software in ready-to-run condition on the platform specified in this project.
All deliverables will be considered “work made for hire” under copyright law. I will receive exclusive and complete copyrights to all work done.
No part of the deliverable may contain any copyright restricted 3rd party components (including GPL, GNU, Copyleft, etc.) unless all copyright ramifications are explained AND AGREED TO by the employer on the site per our legal agreement.
Thank you and good luck.

Tech spec:

Screen 1
Login – sign in box
Or Register – sign up: Four boxes:

1) I am looking to insure myself against [ ] risks
((Potential) Insureds click here)

2) I am an insurer and looking to provide insurance against [ ] risks (Underwriters click here)

3) I am broker working with [ ] risks

4) I am an investor in debt instruments, but not an underwriter
(Funds, banks, etc. click here)

Lower part of the screen

News frame with news articles

All the usual tabs: about us contact us newsletter privacy policy terms of service faq help…

Screen 2
if registration – same for everyone:

Registration form
Confidentiality tick box
Terms and conditions tick box
TOBA tick box

Screen 3 if from login:

1) If (potential) insured:

Table of my deals I am working on – notifications if any messages/updates (prices quoted, etc)
Add a new deal you want to insure:
Form as per previous description plus the name(s) of the deal team
Plus Which underwriter(s) I want to show it to?
[Plus Which broker(s) I want to go through?]

Documents to be attached

2) If underwriter:

Table of deals available for your firm to insure as shown before – notifications if any messages/updates (docs uploaded, etc)

3) If broker:

Table of deals as shown before that insureds want your firm to act for them – notifications if any messages/updates (docs uploaded, etc)

4) If investor:

Table of risks available for purchase (for example, [ ] debt) – notifications if any messages/updates (docs uploaded, etc)

Screen 4
Opens when one clicks on an individual deal

Deal summary as a table
Including: As per previous description plus the name(s) of the deal team

Deal description in words

Deal docs – actual file names in a table format when you click on them a window opens save/open… plus option to download all docs in one go.

Q&A with underwriters – either visible to others or not at insured’s option

Bids from underwriters – either visible to others or not at insured’s option

Scale showing how much has been offered so far, by whom and at what price – either visible to others or not at insured’s option

Chat box with the broker on this deal

Action area
– if you are an insured – tick to accept offers from the underwriters and send a message to them that you and them are entering into a policy – as per posted or revised draft – broker can facilitate agreeing the wording
o also you can send messages to underwriters and the broker
– if you are an underwriter – box to submit your offer with a price per annum of the value insured box (with optional but not less than %-age box of the margin)
o also you can send messages to the poster of the risk and the broker
– if you are a broker – you can send messages to the underwriters and insured – in two or more separate areas or “rooms”
– if you are an investor – you can submit your price for the risk offered as a % of the nominal value and send messages to the poster of the risk

One can open several deals at a time – all with the same layout

Screen 5
After the insured accept underwriters’ offers, he gets a new screen “Policy wording”. Underwriters who quoted can get to this screen too.
The insured can upload his own draft policy here on the left side or use a template we provide
On the right side of the screen there is a forum page where all the underwriters on this deal can say if they are ok or provide comments to the draft provided on the left – they too may upload their own drafts, but it would be in a different area of the screen.
There may be several drafts – each with a date.
Finally, there is a final draft when everyone says ok to and it can be signed by all the parties – “Ready to sign” ticks by everyone.

Screen 6
If you are an insured, you will get a page saying “Great! You have entered into a policy covering your risks as summarised below: [deal summary and policy pricing]. [It will be emailed to you by your broker after he collects underwriters signatures]. Please follow instructions to make the premium payment. Please do not forget to post any changes to the underlying risk to keep your broker and underwriters informed.”
If you are an underwriter or broker – those deals where you have been accepted will be highlighted and when clicking on them you will see a similar note “Great! You are on this deal”.

PS: the forum can open in a separate window – easier to read that way.

Screen 7

Insured deals – the insured and underwriters on this deal plus the broker have access to this.
Same page as for new deals but additionally one gets extra fields such as
“Current Exposure”, “Current utilisation”, “Premium accrued to date”, “Premium paid to date”, “Next premium payment date”
“Past waiver requests” – previously uploaded documents and underwriters acceptance or not acceptance of the request.
“Any notifications of changes, waiver requests?” here one can upload document files
“Underwriter acceptance?” yes or no – uploaded documents confirming this
“Annual review documents?” here the insured can upload his documents

Screen 8 – Claims
Should say that “If you would like to make a claim under a policy – please send us a message explaining the details”

Screen 9


Screen 10+

About us, etc.

Please note the spec above is subject to change and is constantly developing.

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