The Project Name: Clone/Replicate Site To Its New Domain-Name Site
We have a site now hosted on its current domain name, but we want to replicate or clone the entire site onto its new domain name. So all references to data in its mysql tables and other databases as well as references from coding in its current php and other site pages, shall refer to its new domain name instead of the current domain name. (Note: The old site on the existing webhost’s server, and appearing under its current domain name, shall not be modified in any way at all and shall remain intact.)
These are all essential for all the functionalities to work fine when the site is cloned to its new domain name website. It is good to have a special software to identify all references to old domain names on the site pages to make the necessary change to the new domain name WITHOUT EXCEPTION, for otherwise the functionalities from the php site pages, the mysql table, the databases, etc will not work correctly anymore.
Very much prefer a meticulous php programmer to do all the necessary changes. Good if he has some software to check for past references to the current domain name.
By the way, the site in question is a phpBB forum which has undergone several interesting past customizations, so these must all work fine when site is cloned onto new domain name.