Descent Programmer For Forum Leecher

I need a forum leecher that :
1) Can Leech Posts from an entire vbulletin source forum. ( Non SEO )
2) Can Leech Posts from an entire vbulletin source forum. ( With VBSEO )
3) Can Leech Posts from an entire phpbb2 source forum.
4) Can leech replies from the source forum.(chose number of replies)
5) Can use number of bots that i set.
6) Can rotate bots so that entries look genuine.
7) Cron Job Based posting so that posting occurs at regular interval, posting will look genuine.
8) Invalid/dublicate post will not be posted at all.
9) Inbuilt system to post correct title without original forum name.
10) Proxy Support

Also needed one tab in the software for creating users randomly based on the other forum (you can set it to scrape users online for other forums ..) and set an avatar for every avatar from a folder on my server .after that for posting he scrape threads and comments from forum i specify and use those scraped users randomly.
Note that when it scrape pictures from the forums i need them uploaded to my own server.

note this should be able to leech any vbulletin forum including vb 4

And any of features you would like to add if i have missed something out.

PAYMENT ONCE PROOF IS SHOW. i.e i tell you which forum to leech
Note that this should be a desktop application

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