Practica Portfolio – Sophisticated Theme (Portfolio)

Your images, photographs, designs and products are Practica Portfolio’s first priority. This theme makes your images stand out, giving them ALL the attention they need. The layout and design of Practica Portfolio has a precious visual hierarchy (using large images, wide spaces, typography and positioned elements) that allows your visitors to focus on what really matters: your images/products.

Practica Portfolio is efficient because:
– At first glance, it is a beautiful and sophisticated theme with many visual enrichments..
– that at the same time, has a powerful viewing, navigating & meta-data system.

If you need a visually-rich, modern, sophisticated, creative and practical theme, this theme will amaze you by its speed, simplicity yet efficient and beauty. This theme is just so PRACTICAL .

Click on the thumbnails in the Live Demo to view the Single Page layout!


  • General
  • Fast, easy, creative, different, sophisticated, flexible.. practical
  • 12 Color-presets (you can do many more ;)) & 22 Background patterns/styles
  • Hierarchical Structure: Typography, Content, Images, 4-column Bottom area
  • Extensive Help Guide
  • HTML /CSS valid
  • Ordered, clean & commented code
  • jQuery enhancements (truncator, hover-effects, slider, animations)
  • Unobstrusive, non-destructive jQuery plugins
  • jQuery/CSS Mega-Navigation Menu (can be converted to a vertical menu, too)
  • jQuery/CSS/PHP Advanced & Superfast Contact Form
  • Front page
  • Nivo Slider
  • Portfolio excerpt thumbnails (with jQuery Hover effect)
  • Portfolio
  • jQuery Category Slider
  • Thumbnail Hover-effect & Description Block
  • Unlimited number of rows!
  • Single page
  • Fully customizable Meta Data section
  • jQuery Scrollable area
  • jQuery Zoom + Lightbox plugins
  • Thumbnail navigation
  • Services page
  • 3 Column Layout (unlimited rows)
  • About page
  • jQuery Rotate + Slide effect with Social Linking
  • Adaptive Left Text and Sidebar

NOTE : The logo image is the whole color block with the text.

Download Practica Portfolio – Sophisticated Theme (Portfolio)

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