Hi,I want to present you my new project named Tech Displays.
It can be used for any kind of presentation,and of course you can find any other use for it if you like it.
The project is made in AE CS4 with resolution 1920×1080,so you can render it any resolution you need.
I did not use any external plugin,so you can modify anything you want in this project.
The music is composed by me and it is included in the project as a bonus.
There are some audio reacts in this project,and I explained in the help file how to make them react to your own music if you want
to use another audio file.
There are 10 placeholders to place your media,and a text placeholder for each of them.
The intro contains 3 title text placeholders,and at the end you have a logo reveal and a placeholder for your web address.
Pictures from preview are not included.
A prerendered file is included to reduce you rendering time,but you can use original layers instead.
Duration 2:04 min
Please contact me if you need help for customizing this project.
Thank you!