I need some work done on and OSC project…
1. Import new data… Currently we have Easy Populate on the site and I can get most the data imported fine… The issue here is getting the products attribute to import correctly… The format on the import csv file dose not match the import feature in EP correclty SO I need somebody that can help there.
2. change where the home page button links to…
3. in the whats new box I want it to say and show a specials product not a whats new product….
4. the whatsnew/specials box on the pages is the wrong shape and deforms the pics it displays… I want the box shaped like the normal products pis so it displays correctly….
5. Specials are not displaying on the specials page… I need this checked… it could just be user error, I am not sure…
6. add the product search box to the home page, we removed the search box when we designed the site BUT we want it back in the header… ALSO if possible I need the code for the search in html so I can add it to a custom page I am creating in html….