Ecomeerce Site

Ecomeerce Site
Looking for a web Developer/Programmer to create eCommerce Web Application using ASP.NET framework in Visual basic, based off the following site:

Product pages

•Relevant Information should be presented for each product on page

•Customers should then be presented the option to view detailed information about products

Search Capability

•Give customers the ability to search for products.

Shopping Cart

•Customers need to be able to add products to a shopping cart.

•The quantity of items customers are buying should be clearly visible.

•The shopping cart should show details of items customer is buying.

•The shopping cart should also allow customers to remove items.


•Allow website to Integrate with PayPal only

•Customer details will be collected by PayPal only.

Management / Administration of Site

•Content management pages should be present for management of product catalogue allowing administrator to log in.

•Functionality should allow product data and images to be added, updated and deleted.

•Appropriate Security should be provided (administrator username and password)


•A database is required to store details of products use MS Access 2003 or 2007 for this.

•The number of products in the database should be sufficient to demonstrate all features of the site.


•All relevant images that is required for each product.

Mandatory Requirements

•Files should be appropriately organized in folders easy to understand.

•Website must be user friendly

•MS Access 2003 or 2007

• frame work

•Visual Basic code behind, attached to all corresponding pages

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