Social Network For Service Providers And Clients

This project is a combination of a Social Networking and Dating website.

Goal: To connect individuals that have a specific skill set to customers who are seeking those individuals.

The actual skill we are looking for is to be revealed upon selection for the project. Customers will fill out a short survey to request a quote for the service (again, that will be disclosed upon selection) desired. The answers to this survey will be provided as leads (through email if selected, and through a special part of the site only the Service providers will be able to access). Accordingly, there will be two parts of the website.

Site Dynamics: There will be a general area where all members (or non-members) can access which will be the main forum and/or profile viewing area. This will be kind of like a dating site where one is searching for their date and there is a thumbnail profile snapshot of different potential dates they can select from. Once clicking the thumbnail picture, the customer will be taken to the profile page of that provider, and have all the different options to contact them. To contact them, there will be a “contact this provider” button and then they will be taken to the inquiry form. They can also search for the providers with a search field, or just submit a general inquiry and the first provider who gets selected by the customer will be in direct contact with the customer.

The service providers (members who pay) will be listed as service providers and the clients, whether they sign up or not, will be listed as customers looking for their service provider. The customers will be able to see the profiles and post on the profile / review the service they received. The customers will have to provide some basic info to post on the site, whether it be a review or to post their desired service (name, email address, phone number). If they want they can also sign up for an account with the site and have access to see the “projects” they post (the services they desire – to be filled out in a survey form).

If they just want an instant quote, they can fill out the survey, leave there contact info, and submit. The service providers will get this as a lead in email form or on a general forum that all service providers have access to. Customers will have the option of requesting a specific service provider, or just waiting to see who gets to them first.

Billing: Billing will be based on monthly subscription and/or lead based bill. For a specific amount of leads per month, the Service provider will be billed accordingly. The service providers will have the option of being emailed the leads or looking them up on a blog style list, kind of like the way the freelancer site works or

The Service Providers will also have the option of providing their own contact information for customers to email or call for personal quotes.

Our team needs a programmer who is able to combine web design with simplicity. Previous scripts can be used as long as it is customizable to our needs. We must be able to edit the content without having to request programmer assistance –

The theme for the site is going to be a nightlife scene, sleek look, and have featured membership.

The following are specific requirements for the site:

Membership, Paid and possibly unpaid – for both the Clients and the Skilled Service Providers
– Sign up page
– Profile Information Page (survey) that will allow for the profiles to be displayed
– Picture uploads
– Video uploads
– Music uploads
-Messaging others capability

Rankings and reviews for the Providers
IM box (based on location) between service providers – and/or chat room
Message Box – messages the providers
Featured Members – Like a spotlight on members that pay a specific premium, to be flashed across the front page of the site

*Organizer for the Service providers – allow them to schedule their events/projects
– Calender with notes
– Reminders
– Client organization – allow them to organize their clients information (as long as client gives permission)
– Contact information storage – allow the service providers to organize their contact information – organization of venues, etc.

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