You will be an iDevAffiliate Master Mind… You will know IDevAffiliate and all of its workings inside out.
We are currently populating our affiliate program with marketing tools (banners, emails etc) necessary for positive online campaigns.
We have an A-List of 20 VIP’s interested in promoting our products.
We would introduce you as our Marketing Affiliate Trainer of our company.
You would take on the process of getting them understanding the potential of this affiliate program using these tools. You will train them on how to use our banners, templates and oversee the first 2 mail outs per VIP.
We will provide you with a company email address. And you will have the title – training (at) ….com
You will educate them on how easy it is to use this affiliate program to promote our products as they benefit, and guide them through the process..
You will study and understand our product. (Training provided)
We will set you up with a ‘Share Screen’ meeting application to ensure clear communication and you should be fluent in English (American Accent).
This position has Growth.. Bonuses offered for an exceptional provider. YOU MUST BE AN EXPERIENCED IDEVAFFILIATE MANAGER TO APPLY.
BID for 20 customer contact hrs per month.
So I know you have read all information… start your Bid with the words ‘Affiliate Pro’. Thanks Nd