Grid Accordion combines the functionality of a thumbnail grid and an accordion panel, offering you an interesting method to display your portfolio. You have the option to use either XML or HTML .
The powerful API will allow to further enhance the functionality of this jQuery plugin and make it possible to easily integrate it into your own application.
- supports XML and HTML
- easy to customize
- multiple Grid Accordions on the same page
- supports captions with simple text or HTML text
- you can add a link to each panel
- auto slideshow mode
- shuffled panels
- public methods which allow you to control the accordion using outside input (e.g. openPanel(3), nextPanel(), previousPanel(), getPanelAt(2) etc.)
- callback functions
If you have any questions or need assistance integrating the accordion, please feel free to ask; I will gladly help you. Also, if you like this script, please take a moment to rate it
v 1.0 (29 November 10) * first release