Project-Detail Event-Managment:
User Site:
1. A registred User can signup for a Event.
2. User can manage his Signups Events over (My Acconts)
3. Frontend show this attributes: Title of Event, Start/End Date,
4. If user signup for a Event, should get a eMail autmaticlly that he has signup for each Event ( User can disable this function to get also a email for signed Events)
5. User can see which Persons are alreday registered for each Event.
5. show on his Accountarea upcoming Events
1. Admin has the option to give peremission to all or a certain User to added a Event
2. Admin can edit/remove all Events
3. If a added a Event Admin will get a Email about this Event.
4. Admin can see see how many User a signup for a Event.
5. Admin can set define how many User are able to signup for a Event.
Event fornend
Start Date/Time
End Date/Time
Postal – City
///////// Street, Postal and City linked to googlemap.
attached File / img ( jpg, gif, png, pdf…etc)
published by:
on Startpage added a smal typical Drupal Calander.
highlight Each date which includ a Event
small Calndar is linked to big size of Calander
I use this Eventmangement offline/local!
So, if you make this customizing please make a detailed Video/Tutorial of your work, because i will do the same things on my localmaschine. so i need all Modules which you use and a documentation of your work!!!!
Useful Modul:
Event, Calander, Datepickup, evnt_view, sigup….etc
If possible willbe finished on 01.11.2010.
I have similar projcts based on drupal and WP. if you work is excellent we can work to gether for a long term