WordPress Comment/testimonial Poster

I need a simple online application developed that I can host at my hosting provider which is Cpanel enabled. It is very important that it is completed and working in 7-14 days.

This is an easy job for a person that knows what they are doing. If you have ways to make this an easier or more effective build, I’m always open to suggestions.

The basic function is this:

1. Create a web site where clients of the companies in our contracting group can go to post a comment/testimonial about the service they received.

2. The comments/testimonials will be formatted as a simple WordPress blog post.

3. The comments/testimonials will be created as one of three types; written, audio or video.

4. Once submitted, the company whose customer created the comment will have the option of exporting it to a WP blog page on their site or posting it to a dedicated WP blog page that is hosted by us.

5. Each company that registers will have a “comment creator” page where their customers will be directed to create a comment/testimonial. Customers will register their contact information to sign-in. Then they will be directed to the creation of their comment/testimonial.

6. Each company will also have a profile page where they go to approve/publish, delete or export comments/testimonials. They will also have access to the list of customers (and their contact information) that created a comment/testimonial including a link to the actual comment/testimonial that they created.

I have attached a document map giving a clear picture of the application, but more details will be given and I will not be charged for additional requests/tweaks.

Additional details will be provided as needed.

Please reply with ‘SECRET CODE: WPCP’ when replying to this bid so I know you’ve read it. ANY replies without this code WILL NOT be considered.

I am requesting that the winning bidder be required to fix ALL bugs and be available for such bugs and related ‘tweaks’ for 90 days. Request for “Bug & Tweak” fixes must be addressed within 24-48 hours of request.

Please specify what type of programming you will be using to complete this application.

IMPORTANT: Carefully consider and specify an accurate date of completion in your bid as “time to completion” will be included as a condition of the contract payment. I only want someone with the time and dedication to get this done quickly.

Thank you for your time. I look forward to working with you!!!

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