eziCMS is an fresh and easy going admin skin, which comes with a lot of cool features, like html5 & css3 enhancements, tweets, jQuery & jQuery UI(both the newest), animations, WYSIWYG editor, lightbox with 5 styles and lots more. There are 3 version in this pack, eziCMS(1000px), eziMINI(600px) and an mobile version which usses the new jQuery mobile library(the first one here onThemeForest) This al comes in 6 fresh styles. eziCMS has a lot of pre made elements instead of the most skins here which has just one or two pages filled with random stuff.
- Remember the state of the icons menu
- More styles
- More pre made ellements
- and more…
- HTML5 & CSS3 enhancements
- This theme contains HTML5 & CSS3 elements so that it will be ready for the future, the elements that i have used for this theme almost all work, even in IE(which i have used PIE for to get it to work)
- jQuery 1.4.4 (the newest)
- This theme runs op the power of jQuery, as you can see it has the newest version of it.
- jQueryUI 1.8.6 (the newest)
- A couple of plugins run on the UI from jQuery, like the datepicker, dialogs, tabs, autocomplete, progressbar. This is the newest version of the UI lib.
- jQuery mobile (the newest)
- eziCMS has an free add-on called eziMOBI, which is buildt on the new jQuery mobile. It’s the first one here on ThemeForest!!
- modernizr 1.6 (the newest)
- Modernizr adds classes to the element which allow you to target specific browser functionality in your stylesheet. You don’t actually need to write any Javascript to use it. This is the newest version.
- Professional design
- mPre made elements
- This will help you work faster to save you some time on building your admin.
- Layerd & sliced PSD files
- This will help you if you want to add or change something.
- 6 styles (more comming)
- At this mnoment eziCMS has 6 minimal and fresh styles/colors, so you can choose the one that you like. There are more colors coming. Want to see a style, just ask me!
- Works in all major browsers
- Custom form styling
- Spice up your form elements.
- CSS3 buttons
- Cool CSS3 buttons i different colors and sizes.(notice that IE does not support these CSS3 buttons)
- PIE makes Internet Explorer 6-8 capable of rendering several of the most useful CSS3 decoration features.
- Easy to customise
- Dropdown menu
- Login
- The login has an cool show me the password function.
- Tablesortner
- You can choose between data in basic div’s or in sortable tables.
- 34 types of graphs available
- You can choose between 34 types of graphs from the google library.
- Mass toggle radio buttons
- Mass toggle radio buttons to select all of the files.
- Tooltips
- jQuery WYSIWYG editor
- Cool looking WYSIWYG editor thats not have been used in projects here on TF.
- 23 custom messages/dialogs
- 23 custom messages/dialogs in different sizes, messages and colors.
- Free updates
- YES …..the updates are totally free!! Want to know when there’s an new update, scroll up to the updates button!
- jQuery lightbox with 5 styles
- Choose from 5 styles of lightboxes!
- Tooltips
- PIE makes Internet Explorer 6-8 capable of rendering several of the most useful CSS3 decoration features.
- Good documentation
- Good documentation to help you.
- Display tweets
- Twitter is hot, and you want to be in te loop whats going on.
- Good service and friendly help
- I try to help you as much as i can. Scroll to the top en click on the support button.
- Free Error documents
- 400, 401, 403, 404, 500, 503. An screenshot can be found in the screenshot section
Admin Skins
HTML Templates
WordPress Templates
Comming soon
Business Cards
No updates