I need customization of WHMCS, I am unsure of all the features that I can sell through the reseller’s hosting account and my domain registrar, Enom. I need someone who is familiar with these two systems, WHMCS and Enom, to integrate an entire website, including sub-domains, and customization of cPanel and WHM and integrate WHMCS to manage billing and support tickets. Both systems are already installed and running, just need to be configuered to work properly.
I want a site similar to justhost.com, but without the Live Support function. WHMCS should also be configured to accept the different country’s currencies. I use PayPal and authorize.net. PayPal should be integrated to receive monies from the customers and also to automatically purchase the domains from Enom.
A list of options and upgrades that can also be purchased when a customer purchases hosting should be available. I think these can be found in Enom, but I’m not sure.
If a CMS is required to integrate all of this and to maintain the site, then you must let me know which CMS you will choose and why. What makes it superior to other CMS available.
At the completion of this project, I’d like somebody to give me a tour of the site and features and explain to me how to maintain the site and make any changes that I may want to make.
All the design of the site will be done by me, I just need someone to integrate the WHMCS and cpanel.