Audio Voice Recordings

Audio Voice Recordings
This is a very simple project to create multiple audio recordings to help create creative thought. I have provided a link to a sample audio to give you an idea. The idea is to tell a story that is completely made up on the spot. You need to be very descriptive and try to describe all the different senses. The listener might tend to fall asleep and dream away so every few minutes there needs to be an interaction with the listener such as asking them if they can feel that particular description. The proper way to do this is in this example… “Imagine yourself as a hawk high up in the air. Your feathers feel like sandpaper and as the wind brushes against your sandpaper feathers it feels like electricity. Say “yes” when you feel the electricity.” This part of telling the listener to “say yes when you feel the electricity” makes the listener respond back to the audio recording and keeps them in interaction.
Link to Sample Audio:

1. Must have an American English accent.
2. Must not have a stutter.
3. Must not use any interrupter words such as “uh”, “um” while you are thinking of the next description. You can pause until you think of the next description sense the listener will be thinking of your previous one.
4. Must try to use abnormal descriptions such as a piece of chocolate tasting like beer or walking on sand feeling like Jello. This is to try to expand the imagination.
5. Must try to incorporate all of the 5 senses such as sight, touch, taste, smell, and hearing.
6. Each recording must be at least 10 minutes long.
7. 5 recordings with different scenes.
If you have an instant messenger program we can discuss further for better examples. This should be easy and if done right there is a need for more.

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