We need to have 4 different coming soon pages for 4 different websites.
The landing page HAS to be creative, grab attention and leave the person wanting to know more about the website. It needs to have a strong marketing email system so when people sign up we can export it out in Excel and in any other form to later upload it on to another database software.
It should be in Spanish and English (with the option on top to be switch but it should be automatic the language depending on the IP adress- U.S. IP automatic English/ Outside the U.S. Automatic Spanish).
-It should have 2 type of page 1 animated- either Flash or HD Video and 1 standard for slow connection (Option in the front should be Flash or no Flash).
-Needs to have a manageble mailing system.
-Needs to be unique and Hip to catch the attention of ages 18-32 year olds.
-Allow users to follow us in all social network media
-As soon as the users sign up another screen should show up allowing users to import their gmail, hotmail, yahoo, etc email contacts so they can share the website with their friends and family as well as a Facebook/twitter, etc Share link so they can post it on their profile.
-Needs to be done as soon as possible not months!!