Google Maps Mashup – Walking In New Zealand

I wish to use Google Maps and mashup with data sets to create a simple “proof of concept” website to enter in to a competition called Mix and Mash

First stage described below deadline for completion is 28 November and sorry this is non negotiable 🙂

Second stage is port to iphone / android app and only will do if finish First Stage in time

>== First Stage

Main data set will be Department of Conservation (DOC) tracks and huts see this page;

We will also have a number of other datasets to mash in probably in MySQL format that we will provide and host

A. Weather – provided by third party in database format with weather forecast for next 7 days for each hut where huts are indexed to main DOC data set

B. Great Walks – list of Great Walks with information on that walk including description, distances and image showing elevation and list of huts where huts are indexed to main DOC data set

C. Huts – list of huts with facilities and image and hut name indexed to main DOC data set

Site will consist of four pages ( plus plain html FAQ and Contacts )

1. Home – map of New Zealand with tracks / huts overlayed and list of Great Walks ( from B above ) down right hand side. Simple static nav bar at top ( Home | FAQ | Contact ). Click on Great Walks zooms in on that track in new page ( 2. )

2. Great Walk – map of selected walk showing route and huts.
Right panel has list of huts from B. above with basic information. Click on that hut goes to 3. below.
Bottom Panel has brief information from B. above elevation image Click on link to go to 4. below

3. Huts – Detailed page on Huts with data drawn from A. and C. above and availability as below

Availability – using Track names will need to scrape availability for huts from Department of Conservation online booking website. For example for Routeburn Track from 20 December 2010 availability shown here;

note “sg=RBN” portion of above query we will provide in B. above

4. Track – detailed information drawn from B. above with smaller route map as per 2., larger elevation image and more detailed description


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