Coupon Code Via Paypal

I need a discount code option added to my website, which already includes paypal payment processing.

I have a very small business where i sell a book and supplements.

This is what I’d like a programmer to do:
-On each of my product screens I want to be able to enter attractive text such as ‘20% discount for the holidays or First time buyers, or ’30 days only, and/or on main page

-At the payment screen I want a discount code bar so that clients can enter it and then it shows the amount of the discount, plus a descriptor, and calculates the new cost to process.

-I want to be able to activate or deactivate a code as I see fit

-I want to be able to create new codes myself adding the % and descriptor

-I want to be able to name the discount codes, such as ‘HEALTHYBABY’

-Perhaps even a time limit on codes if that’s possible
-Perhaps even functionality that allows the first __ people to get the discount, then turns off if possible

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